The Leadership Analysis is designed to help the leader analyze daily habits in relationship to the degree to which they impact improved teaching and learning.  I have developed a rubric that can be used to accomplish this important step in transforming your daily practices.  Just like a weight loss coach asks his subjects to talk about their habits, the Leadership Analysis allows one to identify ineffective as well as effective practices.  Once you have collected data from your Leadership Audit, use the following rubric to analyze your daily habits:

Weak:  Bears little or no relationship to the improvement of learning for every child.  This item appears to be a traditional managerial task that does not require knowledge of curriculum, instruction and assessment.  Typically justified as an important responsibility, it is usually operational in nature and routine in delivery.

Mild:  Has some relationship to the improvement of learning for every child.  This item could be classified as supportive of structures and processes that build capacity in the school for improved learning.  However, this item falls short of direct involvement in the instructional process and collaboration with teachers to improve student achievement.

Moderate:  Has a relationship to the improvement of learning for every child.  This item demonstrates a daily effort to support the instructional process through direct contact with students and teachers in the instructional setting.  Performance of this item is grounded in collaborative work with teachers to improve curriculum, instruction and assessment.

Strong:  Has an influential relationship to the improvement of learning for every child.  This item demonstrates out of the box thinking to support the instructional process.   This item requires a deep understanding of curriculum, instruction and assessment and engages teachers in collaborative work to strengthen academic achievement.

Once you have analyzed each habit from your audit, it is time to figure out which ones to shrink and which ones to grow by conducting a Leadership Transformation
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