Glossary of Irish Slang

Acting the maggot – acting up, in a foolish way

Arseways – to make a mess of something

Aye – yes

Bags of it – to make a mess of something

Baldy notion – having no idea

Bang on – correct, right

Banjaxed – broken

Bate – beat up, exhausted, out of energy

Boggers – rural folks, from the bogs

Bullin – to be angry

Bunkin off – skip school, work

Chancer – dodging, risk taking person

Clattered – slap or belt

Crack on – continue with something

Deadly – fantastic, good, brilliant

Donkey years – long period of time

Dooter – short walk

Dossers – not working, up to no good

Effin and Blindin – cussing and swearing

Full shilling – sane

Gift – present, talent, endowment

Gimp – fool, idiot

Give it a lash – give something a go

Gobshite – person who speaks rubbish

Gom – fool

Grand – alright, ok

Hames – to destroy, ruin

Jacks – toilet

Jammy – lucky

Jesus, Mary and Joseph – blasphemy

Kip – dirty, unkept place, in a bad way

Knackered – tired, exhausted

Lampin – hurting someone

Lashin – a long drinking episode

Leg it – run away

Puck – to strike with a closed fist

Melter – an idiot

Mo Anam Cara – one’s soul mate

Mot – girlfriend

Mouldy – disgusting

Scoop – an alcoholic drink

Scuttered – extremely drunken

Snug – private room for women in a bar

Spanner – idiot

Stocious – extremely drunken

Thick – very stupid

Wind yer neck in – calm down, be quiet